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Umtwalume, South Africa

Providing targeted educational, physical and emotional support, Thanda helps 350 rural South African children and their communities develop and implement sustainable and lasting solutions to the devastating problems created by poverty, empowering them to reach a brighter future.

Thanda built the first library

in the community, transforming the accessability and impact of local education for children.

Thanda develops local solutions by working from within communities to bring about change. Thanda's after-school programs use existing resources to provide a support system, nutrition, sports, arts, skill development and agricultre training programs that enable children to become problem-solvers and change-makers.

Most children in South Africa's rural communities live in extreme poverty, experience food insecurity and abuse, and only have access to poor-quality education. In KwaZulu-Natal Province, it is estimated that 40% of pregnant women are HIV positive and one in five children are orphans. 70% local unemployment means families are forced to break apart as parents migrate to find work. 

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