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Mukono District, Uganda

The Uganda Education Project works to alleviate poverty and create leaders in the local community by sponsoring orphans and other children in need to complete school and university. They achieve this by partnering closely with grassroots organizations that work in communities in need.

Many children drop out of school when they become orphaned or because their family cannot afford school fees. Through their local partner FINIDP, the Uganda Education Project enables children to return to school by providing school fees, stationary, school uniforms, books, nutritious meals, HIV prevention education, and counselling on an ongoing basis. Many of the children in the UEP have regained hope as a result and look forward to helping other members of their community.

The Uganda Education Project started a new pilot program in 2013 that funds 5 of the most successful scholars through university.

UNAIDS esitmates there are 1.4 million people living with HIV and 1.1 million orphans growing up in Uganda.

"I don't know how to reward you for helping me, at the moment, I think I will do the same thing you have done by trying to help other orphans and make sure they succeed as I have."



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